Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One hundred and one WAYS to cope with Stress.

* Watch the sunrise.
*Get up earlier.
*Cuddle a cat.
*Play with the dog.
*Don't know all the answers.
*Say something nice.
*Teach a child to fly a kite.
*Walk in the rain.
*Schedule play time.
*Say NO more often.
*Believe in yourself.
*Stop talking negatively.
*Visualise yourself succeeding.
*Develop a sense of humor.
*Prepare ahead.
*Have goals.
*Ask a friend for a hug.
*Breathe slowly.
*Enjoy art.
*Praise others.
*Write it down.
*Indulge in a daydream.
*Set appointments.
*Duplicate your face on a photocopier.
*Make duplicate keys.
*Set priorities.
*Simplify meals.
*Turn on four favorite tunes.
*Copy important papers.
*Prepare for rain.
*Tickle a baby.
*Look for the silver lining.
*Avoid chemical aids.
*Throw a paper airplane.
*Take a bubble bath.
*Say hello to a stranger.
*Whistle a tune.
*Read a poem.
*Watch a ballet.
*Do something new.
*Quit trying to fix others.
*Buy a flower.
*Smell the flower.
*Break down large tasks.
*Look at problems as challenges.
*Make mud pies.
*Play soccer with a roll of toilet paper.
*Find support.
*Find a "vent-partner".
*Be optimistic.
*Put safety first.
*Do things in moderation.
*Strive for excellence, not perfection.
*Remember, stress is an attitude.
*Stretch your limits.
*Play with your food.
*Hum a jingle.
*Feed the birds.
*Use time wisely.
*Avoid negative people.
*Practice grace.
*Go for a walk.
*Listen to the wind.
*Have a "plan B".
*Learn a joke.
*Know your feelings.
*Meet your needs.
*Know your limits.
*Squeeze jello between your to us.
*Learn a new song.
*Play with a child.
*Go on a picnic.
*Putter in the garden.
*Talk to uor plants.
*Keep it simple.
*Phone a far-away friend.
*Walk barefoot and wiggle your toes.
*Get to work earlier.
*Get help with jobs you dislike.
*Pay yourself a compliment.
*Leave work early.
*Watch a funny movie.
*Scream at a ball game.
*Eat a meal by candlelight.
*Get a back rub.
*Give a back rub.
*Keep a journal.
*Avoid tight clothes.
*Share a monster smile.
*Remember your options.
*Build a support network.
*Read a good book.
*Listen to a symphony.
*Talk less and listen more.
*Get enough sleep.
*Watch the sunset.

ref: unknow.